in person single procedure courses

Below is a list of procedures that we offer training courses, just click on the button to be taken to the details page for that procedure. If you have any questions then please do not hesitate to contact us, or if you are ready to book then click on the link for our enrolment form.

Details of how to purchase online courses are available on each of the procedure pages.

Our courses are listed below, they all include a starter kit and also include VAT at the current rate so there is no nasty surprises when you come to booking.

The length of the course below refers to the time spent with us in our training studio but we also ask all students to complete a comprehensive home study section of the course prior to arriving with us to prepare for the practical training and assessments; we ask for this to be completed in plenty of time to allow our instructor to have a look over it before your training commences

Please note that we offer finance on our courses (subject to a credit check). We ask for a low deposit of £500 per course with the balance paid in instalments (if applicable) or in full 3 days prior to the start of your training. 

Please Contact Us for details or if you require any further information.

If you decide that you would like to go ahead with one of our courses, please complete our Enrolment Form

our courses

Below are the courses that we offer, both individual and multiple procedure courses

do you want to learn more than one procedure in person?

If you are looking to train with us in more than one procedure then it is more cost effective to choose one of our Multiple Procedure Course. Click below to see the details..